
Quartz Lumps


Product Description:

Quartz lumps are available in different sizes and shapes for various applications. The process of manufacturing lumps includes sorting, washing, re-sizing, second-washing, and finally, packing. Due to the different uses of this material, Quartz lumps can also be customized according to the customer’s requirements. They are used in construction work, sandpaper, abrasives, refractories, and other purposes. Quartz lumps are also utilized in preparing jewelry, glass, ceramics, and paints. 

Snow white quartz lumps, rose quartz lumps, milky quartz lumps, glassy quartz lumps, and semi glassy quartz lumps are some of the most popular options. 

About Us

We, at RD Minerals are engaged in the manufacturing and export of a wide range of Quartz, ramming mass, and other minerals in the international market. We are acclaimed for our high-quality ramming mass and quartz. 

We have an extensive range of minerals available in different forms and sizes. Besides this, our minerals offer better thermal stability and quality. The minerals are sent to the clients after going through the quality tests and processes at competitive prices.